Saturday, December 8, 2007

My Birthday

Today I am thirty-three. It’s one of those anticlimactic birthday ages. I don’t feel particularly old or young.

We have light plans for the day. The original plan was seeing folk artist Carrie Newcomer in Bloomington tonight. Lynne received these tickets two months ago from our super-awesome friends Sarah and David for her birthday. Unfortunately, they’re predicting another ice storm tonight. We’ve decided not to risk the 4 hours of driving on rural expressways during bad weather. After losing our friend Tara this year in a bad weather accident, we’ve become extra cautious.

It’s likely that Plan B will be a trip to the movies to see The Golden Compass. We both just read it for our library’s SF reading club, so we’re obviously interested in how it translated to the screen. It’s also pretty rare that we get out to see a movie.

My gift from my daughter came yesterday. She got me the Doctor Who Utopia action figure set. I now have a Derek Jacoby action figure, and that is, as the kids say, made of win.

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