Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Do You Realize?

I’m fairly exhausted today. Yesterday was supposed to be a relaxing day off with the family. No dice. Here is a quick list of things that sucked yesterday:

1- My daughter spent Sunday night vomiting. The details are over in Lynne’s blog. Luckily, Caitlin was well for the rest of the day. This morning she was a bit out of it, but otherwise fine.

2- I went to the dentist, got my teeth cleaned, and they found two small cavities. Not a big deal in the grand scheme.

3- I spent much of my day on the phone doing conference planning. The pressure is increasing with some deadlines approaching.

4- My grandmother went to the ER and was admitted to the ICU. This is hitting harder than I expected. I am very close to my grandparents. They were a large part of what was stable in my childhood. For the past couple of years, my grandmother has been suffering from dementia/Alzheimer’s. She just turned 80, she had a major heart attack a few years ago, and we’ve been expecting health problems since she’s barely eating.

Yesterday, her face was swollen and my family took her to the hospital. They’re still running tests, but she was dehydrated and suffering from a serious bladder infection. Now I’m just waiting for phone updates. She will probably be fine, but it just feels like we’re entering that stage of rapid decline.

Otherwise, thing are well. The work on the gutters has begun, Caitlin should be getting her assistive communication device this week, and Torchwood was good. With some luck, I might even get some more writing done.

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