Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Daughter, The Card

Caitlin thinks that she’s pretty funny. Today was the day that we saw her OT who had recently stopped doing aquatic therapy with Caitlin. This was also the day that we brought Caitlin’s loaner Dynavox with us to let her communicate.

So what does my daughter say when asked about what she wants to do during our session? Swim. In fact, she demanded it twice. She made her OT squirm with guilt. It amused her.

But that was not her greatest source of amusement. Caitlin had not peed since 6 AM. I saw it coming, but there wasn’t much I could do. Caitlin got into the canvas swing and was laughing and babbling about her Hello Kitty shoe charms, and then she got awfully quiet. She soaked her pants, her shirt and the swing. That really cracked her up. Luckily, I was smart and brought a change of pants. Unluckily, I was an idiot and didn’t bring a change of shirt. After some scrambling, they were able to find a t-shirt. Caitlin was this close to going home in a child’s postal uniform used for dress-up.

Other than that, she had a pretty good day.

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