Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Working Like a Dog

It’s an odd feeling to have evolved from procrastinator to workaholic. I find that if I stop and think about my commitments for even a moment, my old self starts to freak out. I find that the best course of action is to just do as much as I can each day. What used to scare me into procrastination when I was younger was the ability to see the enormity of a commitment. Now I try to focus on just doing a little each day. I live by the old proverb about eating an elephant; I take one bite at a time.

Caitlin has been seizure free for a week. It is exhausting keeping her awake and stimulated all day, but it sure as hell beats the alternative. She’s settling back into her school routine. I miss her while she’s away, but it does give me more time to focus on my own projects. Today is Easter Seals and OT. I always enjoy watching her smile and laugh on the swing.

Speaking of my projects, I just agreed to write a short article about Doctor Who for a modestly prestigious SF fanzine. It really came out of left field, but I couldn’t be more pleased. This is a zine that has published articles from Hugo and Nebula award winning SF authors (the editor has also been Hugo nominated). It will be cool to be associated with it. The deadline is a little tight, but it’s a subject that I know very well.

On a related note, I will be doing at least one panel on Doctor Who at WindyCon this year. It should be a fun time. I certainly enjoyed my panels at Odyssey Con and CONvergence. Last year I was tagging along with Lynne in the shadows. This year I will be on panels and taking a writer’s workshop. Not to mention we will be having a couple of meals with prestigious SF authors for Lynne’s work. It’s nice to be living instead of dreaming.

I am finished with phase one of my Mad Norwegian Press work. It took ten months and hundreds of hours, but it is done. Lars and Christa just returned from DragonCon, so I am still awaiting my next set of orders.

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