Sunday, September 30, 2007


The RAMP Wheel-A-Thon went well. Caitlin was very pleased to be the center of attention. They even gave her an official “Grand Marshall” t-shirt. Unfortunately, it said “Catlin” on the back. Nobody noticed, of course, with her in her wheelchair.

It was a beautiful day for a Wheel-A-Thon. Our friends Sarah, David, Jennifer, Lily, Kristen, Mike, and Nora joined us. Everybody seemed to have a good time. We ended up racing all of the college kids towards the end of the route. They ate Caitlin’s dust.

We raised $1,110, the largest team amount. We can’t thank everybody enough for their hard work and generosity. This is an important local organization that aids many individuals with disabilities. We just wished that we could do more.

Here is the local newspaper article:

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