Monday, October 29, 2007

Caitlin's Sick Birthday

Well, Caitlin ended up being sick for her fifth birthday. It’s just a bad cold, but nothing is simple for a child with disabilities. She had been goopy for a couple days, but it seemed that we would be able to go see my family for the big family birthday on Sunday. Then little miss decided to spike a 102-degree fever. A few hours later, it was gone.

I kept her home from school today, and she seemed better. The cold, however, had other ideas. Unfortunately, my daughter is unable to really blow her nose. The snot drips down, tickles her throat, she coughs, and then everything comes up. It’s not pretty. Tonight she managed to do it right after she got her seizure meds, so now she’s also more likely to have a big spasm tomorrow. The other problem with her throwing up is that Caitlin is a silent aspirator. Anything in her throat could end up sliding into her lungs causing infections and pneumonias. We love cold and flu season around here.

Hopefully some Benedryl will do the trick tonight. We’re certainly not looking forward to making a dash into her room every time she coughs.

Caitlin did have a wonderful birthday with friends on Saturday. She wore a birthday tiara, earrings, and everything. She now had about 100,000 My Little Ponies. We can’t thank all of our wonderful friends enough for giving her such a special day.

Not much else going on around here. Lynne is revising her second peer-reviewed article and doing an editing project. I keep chugging away at the novel. I slowed down a bit to work on some short stories, but I’m now at the 40,000-word mark.

Just Finished Reading: Hammered by Elizabeth Bear
Currently Reading: Swords and Deviltry by Fritz Leiber

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