Thursday, August 23, 2007

Cats and Dogs

The rainiest year that I can remember just got worse. DeKalb has been rocked by storms all afternoon. Caitlin and I got to wait out a tornado warning in the basement. We were then rocked with 2.34 inches of rain on top of days of rainfall. It is not pretty. Luckily, we only lost power for ten minutes.

Caitlin got through all of yesterday fine, and then she had a big seizure at bedtime. Her epilepsy is still all over the place.

Tomorrow is open house for her school. She starts back on Monday. I can’t believe that the summer is already over.

I was able to make some decent progress on the MNP project today. I am in the home stretch. It has been exhausting and wonderful. I can’t wait to be able to talk about it.

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