Thursday, August 2, 2007

How is July Over ?!?!

So much to do....

First of all, thank you to the powers-that-be for the Internet. Lynne and I have recently made a bunch of new friends and acquaintances in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. The horrible 35W bridge collapse made our hearts drop when we saw it. We realized rationally that the chances were slim that anybody we knew was involved, but there still was that moment of fear. The Internet, though, was able to calm our panics. All of our friends used their blogs, social networking accounts, and e-mail to let it be known that they were all right. It was quite a relief, though it doesn’t lessen the tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with anybody out there who has been affected by this horrible accident.

Things are chugging along here. Caitlin is well. It’s been an average week. After her awesome week last week, she had a rough weekend that culminated in a hard seizure that needed Diastat. This week, however, has been average. She has had a 7-minute seizure each day. I’m getting afraid that this is just her new, permanent pattern.

In better news, we now have Caitlin’s adapted Playstation 2 controller. We’ll be picking up some games for her this week. I am trying to decide between the Spongebob Squarepants game and Grand Theft Auto. It’s tough figuring out which one has more therapeutic value.

If you read Lynne’s blog, you probably already know about her first pee in toilet. Hopefully, this will evolve into the norm. I know that she can do it.

The projects are going well. My personal writing thing is now at 14,000 words. This week I also attempted some writing for the unannounced Mad Norwegian Press project. It is now in the hands of Lars. I did it on a whim, so I’m not positive that it’s something that he can use. I guess we’ll see.

Lars also sent me the manuscript of another project to peruse. I would like to gush about how great this book is, but I have to wait until it’s official. Suffice to say nobody is going to be disappointed in it.

Well, back to work. Caitlin and the house need cleaning.


Roman said...

I vote for Grand Theft Auto. I mean, come on! Pimping, street racing, bank robbery, assassination--it's got everything a growing girl needs to know!

Michael Damian Thomas said...

To be fair, it is our best option to get a minivan with a ramp. Caitlin is just going to have to learn to pull the riders out of one and steal it. :)

Roman said...

Then make sure she's got a shotgun before the carjacking. Nothing's more demoralizing than the tell-tale *K-CHAK* of a pump-action shotgun. Nobody's going to give her any problem then.