Monday, August 6, 2007



It was not one of our better weekends. At least it was predictable tragedy versus unexpected tragedy. The predictable wears us down, but it doesn’t incapacitate us like the unpredictable.

Friday was a day of ambivalence. We had our last lunch with Mary and Charles. It still seems so odd that they’re now on the other side of the country. Luckily, it looks like they will be back to visit in October for the dedication of NIU Library’s new, nifty Scholar’s Den. Still, we will miss them greatly. They are two of the kindest, smartest, sweetest people that we have ever known.

That night was The Kristin Meo Memorial Aicardi Syndrome Foundation Golf Outing fundraiser. It seemed to go well. Some business was talked, some money was made, and we got to see three of the other families. It had been a year, so there was a lot of catching up to do. We all got back together the next afternoon since we still had so much to say. As you can probably gather, it’s always bittersweet when the families get together.

Caitlin had a rough Saturday night and a rougher Sunday morning. After being seizure free on Friday, she was rocked with a couple of long ones the next two days. She’s much better today.

I’m still chugging away with my personal project. Lynne carved out some time for me to hide at Panera on Friday and Saturday. I am up to over 17,000 words. I’ve spent much of this morning doing some research.

I am nearly done with the Mad Norwegian manuscript. It is amazing. It was very helpful for getting my mind off of stuff yesterday.

We had a nice time with our gaming group (Cason, Jen, Steve, and Kevin) on Saturday night. We also had a great time with Sarah and David last night. I don’t know what we would do without our friends.

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