Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Things I learned from the Logopolis commentary:

1- Christopher Bidmead loves Doctor Who except for the writing, production, performances, and effects. Listening to him talk about Doctor Who is like watching Doctor Who Confidential from Bizarro World. I do believe that there would be a gigantic anti-matter explosion if he and Russell T Davies ever touched.

2- Tom Baker is lucky that he even knows where he is anymore. I think that he just travels around with a pint and bunch of the usual insane non sequiturs on some index cards.

4- Janet Fielding is still a riot. More importantly, she rewatches the episodes before the commentary. For Doctor Who commentaries, this is fairly revolutionary. I really hope that she does a Chicago TARDIS one day.


Roman said...

What would you consider to be the best 5 to 10 Dr. Who episodes (by which I mean "series of episodes that make a complete whole") for people still poking at it?

Michael Damian Thomas said...

That is a trickier question than you might think. It’s sort of a balancing act between the best in quality with accessibility with 26 Seasons of stories to consider. Here is a quick list off the top of my head of the highpoints:

2nd Doctor-
The Mind Robber

3rd Doctor-
Spearhead from Space
Terror of the Autons
The Daemons
Carnival of Monsters

4th Doctor-
Ark in Space
Genesis of the Daleks
Pyramids of Mars
Seeds of Doom
Robots of Death
Talons of Wang-Chiang
City of Death

5th Doctor-
Caves of Androzani

7th Doctor-
Remembrance of the Daleks
Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Ghost Light
Curse of Fenric

Michael Damian Thomas said...

The new series is really worth watching in order.