Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I Hate Epilepsy

For the second time in two days, I had to give my little angel Diastat. I am nauseous from the worry and heartache. You would think that it would become easier, but it doesn’t. Caitlin is such an amazing, loving girl with so much potential, but the damn epilepsy makes it impossible for her to do anything. Diastat might stop a never-ending seizure and keep us out of the ER, but it still incapacitates her for the rest of the day. We were so spoiled with having the two good years.

I am waiting to talk to her Pediatric Epileptologist. I’m not sure how much more we can increase the current medications. Nothing seems to be helping.

Everybody please mumble a little prayer for her to your deity or non-deity of choice.

1 comment:

Roman said...

Christ, I am sorry to hear that. Do keep us all informed, and let us know if there's something we can do to help.